July 24, 2011: Photos of Michael Phelps and girlfriend Nicole Johnson at the 2011 Swimming World Championships. . Alpine Skiing; Cycling; Track & Field; Figure Skating; Olympics
Photos of Olympic swimming hero Michael Phelps's first real girlfriend since attaining iconic status are all over the internet olympic swimming phelps girlfriend - on sites you probably shouldn't access on your .
Phelps Splits From Girlfriend. 8 January 2012 5:36 PM, PST | WENN | See recent WENN news � Olympic
swimming star Michael Phelps has split from his longtime girlfriend Nicole Johnson.
British Swimming 2012 Olympic trials: qualifying bar for Games raised as trials . http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/olympics/2574349/Michael-Phelps-girlfriend-Amanda-Beard-or-Lily .
The word on the street is that Olympic swimming superhero Michael Phelps recently split with longtime (see: less than one year) girlfriend Nicole Johnson, a former Miss .
Michael Phelps has been hard at work this summer, but the Olympic superstar . Michael Phelps & Girlfriend Nicole . New York Times, Phelps is "out of shape for swimming .
Olympic champion Michael Phelps brought his latest prize home: his girlfriend spent Thanksgiving with the family in . medley relay team closed the fastest meet in swimming .
Olympic swimming star Michael Phelps has split from his longtime girlfriend Nicole Johnson. Gold medallist Phelps and former Miss California USA Johnson called it quits just .
Michael Phelps is apparently very good at keeping a secret. The Olympic swimming champion has been secretly dating a Canadian woman named Ashley Finestone for more .
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Michael Phelps Girlfriend 2010. Carolina Pal, Michael Phelps new girlfriend . Michael Phelps Swimming (3) Michael Phelps Video (2) olympics (2) rumors (12)
. Michael Phelps, the Olympic . Michael Phelps since the 2008 Olympics, where he won an outrageous number of gold medals in various swimming events. . Pal archangel Phelps' girlfriend .
If Caroline Pal were a swimming opponent, Michael Phelps would leave her in the dust. Unfortunately for this Olympic champion, his rumored girlfriend is a cocktail waitress that .
Michael Phelps Splits from Long-time Girlfriend Nicole Johnson: Olympic swimming star Michael Phelps has split from his longtime girlfriend Nicole Johnson. Gold medallist .
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